
Thursday, December 11, 2014

$7 for a Fountain

Last weekend ended on a somewhat sour note.

Those events caused this week's events to be say the least.

The guy I had been dating for six weeks, Date #8 (see other blog) decided, after having vomited for several days straight, that he was going to take some time off.

The text he sent to me made me think, "He means take time off of work."

I sent him a message back saying, "IF you want to hang out on Sunday and watch movies, let me know."

My message to him did not say, "Let's hang out and watch movies."  My message was asking for a condition...anyways...I'm a language teacher. Communication is key for me.

He shoots back, "You're missing the point. I want to take care of myself. I want to focus on getting better. I'm not sure how long that's going to take."

Where in his message did he say that he wanted to break up?

I really and honestly was flabbergasted. I understand the poor guy is busy and overworked. I thought things were fine between us.


I had to go back to his restaurant and get a container I had let him borrow. His face fell when he saw me. "Don't look so excited," I said to him, half joking.

He mentioned that his roommate had gone to the hospital with a spider bite infection.  All he had eaten was a Burger King breakfast sandwich.

I said to him, "I thought you didn't eat breakfast."

"I told you I went to the hospital this morning! I was hungry and I needed to eat something." Said #8.

Again...where does it say that he took his roommate to the hospital?  Lack of communication....ugh...

As I was leaving, I asked, "So is that it? No more hanging out? No more you and me?"

He nodded and said that he was incredibly busy, but that he wanted me to stop by and say hello from time to time. He wanted to know how my school year was going to go.  His being nice made me want to squish him like a bug.

He then makes matters slightly worse by saying they want to use me as a social media manager for both of the restaurants that he manages. At least I'll be making some money when we finally are able to sit down and do things. I need to catch up from when I was unemployed for these last seven months.

I'm confused. I spent the night at the hospital with this man when he was having an almost heart attack. I think I began to really like him while at the hospital. I felt so sorry for him. A man who had just moved here and is completely alone in the world. No parents. No contact with siblings. A little strange, but he seemed a kind and giving person. Just what I had been needing...whatever...I'll get over it.

This occurred in July 2014.